Metallurgical Industry

In the metallurgical industries, POWDER high-performance ball valves can operate and isolate in extreme environments with corrosive and abrasive solids for isolating and directing the flow of hot slurry within HPAL, POX and other autoclave applications.
High Pressure Acid Leaching 
HPAL was developed to extract mineral from concentrate nickel laterite ores by injecting an acid lixiviant and high-pressure steam into slurry feed in an autoclave vessel.

Operating Conditions
Slurry pump suction isolation
Slurry feed pump isolation 
Slurry feed pump discharge drain
Slurry feed pump suction drain
Discharge line drain
Vent isolation
Rapid depressurization
Flash vessel drain
Pressure Oxidized
POX autoclave circuit is a hydrometallurgical process that recovers minerals from complex sulphide ores by injecting oxygen into slurry in an autoclave vessel.

Operating Conditions 
Slurry feed pump isolation 
Slurry feed pump drain
Slurry feed pump suction drain
Discharge isolation 
Discharge line drain
Vent isolation
Flash vessel drain
Feed tank flush system
Feed dilution drain
Other Applications
Iron and steel plant
Polycrystalline silicon plant
Organic silicon plant
Titanium dioxide plant
Alumina plant
Copper plant
Nickel plant
Rare metal plant